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Voxel Path Tracing Physics Engine (Unity3D) - Instanced Cube Mesh, Job System

Voxel Path Tracing Physics Engine (Unity3D) - Instanced Cube Mesh, Job System

I'm exploring a custom rendering solution for a voxel engine in unity. In the past, I have tried Unity HDRP for rendering. This renderer runs on Built-In pipeline based on DX12 shaders and the RaytracingAccelerationStructure for mesh instancing. The beauty of this system is that there are no GameObjects. Everything is stored in buffers and updated using Unity Job System. It is a barebones version of an entity-component-system method. Each voxel stores a color, size and glow amount. I am hoping to add transparency and diffraction for glass and fluids soon. The physics is a particle-verlet method which is why the voxels are intersecting with each other. They are treated as spheres. I have a job system that builds a hash grid for optimized neighbor gathering for collision detection. Hopefully, I can develop this into a large-scale voxel engine that can render thousands of creatures, fluids, and transparent voxels. The noise is typical of any path tracer. I am not using any noise reduction techniques. DLSS should help with that though... Github: Unity ECS Implementation + Path Tracer: Credits: [Pathtracing] [MeshInstancing] [Physics] Verlet Integration
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